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Rudolf Baumgartner
Dipl.-Ing. Rudolf Baumgartner, MSc
  • Born in Upper Austria

  • Resident in Burgenland

  • Study of Technical Chemistry (Process Engineering) at the TU Vienna

  • Master of Science in Supply Chain Management
    at the Danube University Krems

  • Certified Lead Auditor according to ISO 19011 & ISO 17021

  • Many years of experience in supply chain management in the plastics manufacturing industry

  • Since 2016 responsible for UN approvals of plastic transport packaging for dangerous goods

  • State-certified dangerous goods officer (safety advisor according to ADR 1.8.3) since 2021

  • State-authorized UN approval and inspection body for dangerous goods transport packaging since 2021

  • Generally sworn and court-certified expert for dangerous goods packaging and logistics since 2022

Rudolf Baumgartner

With over a decade of experience in supply chain management at two of the leading production companies in the plastics industry in Europe, I have in-depth specialist knowledge and know-how. My international expertise extends to the optimization of logistics processes along the entire corporate value chain. Thanks to many years of experience in inspecting manufacturers of UN dangerous goods transport packaging and ÖNORM pipe manufacturers, I can offer you comprehensive specialist knowledge and thorough expertise. The Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Mobility, etc. (BMK) has authorized me, as the "competent authority" within the meaning of the UN guidelines, to issue internationally valid approvals for dangerous goods packaging and to regularly monitor manufacturers of dangerous goods packaging. As an officially certified, external safety consultant, I am your competent contact for all questions relating to dangerous goods. Trust in my expertise and let us overcome your challenges together.

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